GQ ITALY - La supercar concepita dalla mente giovane e fresca di uno studente del corso in Transportation Design dell’Art Center College of Design di Pasadena. Il suo nome è Maurice Maschmeyer
written by Alberto Capra - July 18, 2015
Soldi ben spesi, signori Maschmeyer, potete stare tranqulli, quelli utilizzati per far studiare il vostro Maurice sono davvero soldi ben spesi.
Provate un po’ a guardare, per esempio, che razza di concept è riuscito a tirare fuori vostro figlio, tra una pausa e l’altra del corso di Transportation Design dell’Art Center College of Design di Pasadena, fantasticando sul marchio Maserati.
L’auto immaginata da Maurice si chiama Ernesto, comeErnesto Maserati, uno dei tre fratelli fondatori dell’omonima azienda – colui che la guidò, durante la prima guerra mondiale, mentre gli altri due si trovavano a combattere al fronte. Monta un powertrain in grado di erogare una potenza complessiva di 975 cv, per un rapporto peso/potenza di 1:1. Un risultato ottenuto unendo quattro unità elettriche ad un motore termico: un sei cilindri in linea in grado di erogare 325 cv. Sull’asse anteriore sono installati due propulsori elettrici – uno per ruota – capaci di sprigionare una potenza di 140 cv l’uno, mentre al posteriore trovano posto altri due motori elettrici, questa volta da 180 cv ciascuno.
Il pacco batterie è posizionato dietro ai sedili, così da ottimizzare l’accentramento delle masse.
Le tre feritoie presenti nella parte posteriore della vettura non hanno una funzione meramente estetica. Sono le uscite degli scarichi: una soluzione che consente di mantenere la linea pulita e che riecheggia scelte progettuali di Schumacheriana memoria.
Anche la linea è frutto di precise esigenze tecniche (almeno, sulla carta). Disegnata traendo ispirazione da un jet è progettata per generare la maggior quantità di downforce possibile.
Tutto precisino e fatto per benino, insomma. Maurice deve essere uno pignolo.
Chissà se li passa, i compiti!
written by Alberto Capra - July 18, 2015
Soldi ben spesi, signori Maschmeyer, potete stare tranqulli, quelli utilizzati per far studiare il vostro Maurice sono davvero soldi ben spesi.
Provate un po’ a guardare, per esempio, che razza di concept è riuscito a tirare fuori vostro figlio, tra una pausa e l’altra del corso di Transportation Design dell’Art Center College of Design di Pasadena, fantasticando sul marchio Maserati.
L’auto immaginata da Maurice si chiama Ernesto, comeErnesto Maserati, uno dei tre fratelli fondatori dell’omonima azienda – colui che la guidò, durante la prima guerra mondiale, mentre gli altri due si trovavano a combattere al fronte. Monta un powertrain in grado di erogare una potenza complessiva di 975 cv, per un rapporto peso/potenza di 1:1. Un risultato ottenuto unendo quattro unità elettriche ad un motore termico: un sei cilindri in linea in grado di erogare 325 cv. Sull’asse anteriore sono installati due propulsori elettrici – uno per ruota – capaci di sprigionare una potenza di 140 cv l’uno, mentre al posteriore trovano posto altri due motori elettrici, questa volta da 180 cv ciascuno.
Il pacco batterie è posizionato dietro ai sedili, così da ottimizzare l’accentramento delle masse.
Le tre feritoie presenti nella parte posteriore della vettura non hanno una funzione meramente estetica. Sono le uscite degli scarichi: una soluzione che consente di mantenere la linea pulita e che riecheggia scelte progettuali di Schumacheriana memoria.
Anche la linea è frutto di precise esigenze tecniche (almeno, sulla carta). Disegnata traendo ispirazione da un jet è progettata per generare la maggior quantità di downforce possibile.
Tutto precisino e fatto per benino, insomma. Maurice deve essere uno pignolo.
Chissà se li passa, i compiti!
GQ GERMANY - Hybride Sci-Fi-Designstudie - Zu schön, um wahr zu sein – noch! Nachwuchsdesigner Maurice Maschmeyer hat mit dem Maserati Tipo 975 Ernesto eine beeindruckende Designstudie vorgestellt
written by unknown - July 24, 2015
Wenn es nach Nachwuchsdesigner Maurice Maschmeyer geht, dann könnte Maserati im Jahr 2025 seinen jüngsten Designentwurf eines hybriden Supersportwagens in die Realität umsetzen. Die Studie Maserati Tipo 975 Ernesto ist seine Interpretation, wie ein solches Geschoss aussehen könnte. Optisch sollte das Hypercar im Kampfjet-Design und mit der ausgetüftelten aerodynamisch optimierten Karosserie zumindest schon einmal jeden Sportwagenfan ansprechen. Die stromlinienförmige Karosserie ist aus einem Guss und zeigt durch die markante Maserati-typische Frontpartie in Raubfischoptik und dem knackigen Heck dennoch eine ordentliche Portion Aggressivität.
Hybrid-Antrieb mit 975 PS
Das Konzept für den spektakulären Design-Entwurf basiert auf der klassischen Formsprache Maseratis, zeigt aber zugleich, wie sich die italienische Edelmarke in Sachen Gewichtsoptimierung und ökologisch korrektem Sportwagen in Zukunft entwickeln könnte.
Angetrieben wird die Studie von einem 975 PS starken Hybridsystem, das sich auf insgesamt fünf Motoren verteilt. Ein 325 PS starker mittig installierter Verbrennungsmotor sorgt zusammen mit zwei 140 PS starken Elektro-Motoren an der Frontachse sowie zwei E-Aggregaten mit jeweils 185 PS an der Hinterachse für die enorme Gesamtsystemleistung. Überträgt man die PS-Zahl auf das angepeilte Leergewicht von lediglich 975 Kilogramm, ergibt sich ein fast utopisches Leistungsgewicht von 1:1.
Die Kraftübertragung wird individuell über alle vier Räder abgegeben, was sowohl dem Handling und der Performance, als auch der Sicherheit zugutekommen soll. Die rein elektrische Reichweite könnte theoretisch bei 320 Kilometern liegen – für heutige Hybrid-Hypercars ein Ding der Unmöglichkeit.
Zu Ehren Ernesto Maseratis
Den Namen verdankt die Studie keinem Geringeren als dem 1975 verstorbenen Maserati-Gründer, Rennfahrer und Unternehmer Ernesto Maserati, sowie dem legendären Maserati-Rennwagen Tipo 61. An der Zahl des Todesjahres orientieren sich auch die Leistung und das Gewicht des Hybrid-Hypercars. Anlässlich des 50. Todestages des Italieners in zehn Jahren soll der Maserati Tipo 975 Ernesto nach den Vorstellungen Maschmeyers dementsprechend 2025 Realität werden.
Noch ist der Maserati Tipo 975 Ernesto lediglich ein Entwurf auf dem Papier und am Rechner. Bleibt zu hoffen, dass die Italiener auf die Studie Maschmeyers aufmerksam werden. Ein Maserati Tipo 975 Ernesto würde dem Jahr 2025 sicherlich gut stehen.
written by unknown - July 24, 2015
Wenn es nach Nachwuchsdesigner Maurice Maschmeyer geht, dann könnte Maserati im Jahr 2025 seinen jüngsten Designentwurf eines hybriden Supersportwagens in die Realität umsetzen. Die Studie Maserati Tipo 975 Ernesto ist seine Interpretation, wie ein solches Geschoss aussehen könnte. Optisch sollte das Hypercar im Kampfjet-Design und mit der ausgetüftelten aerodynamisch optimierten Karosserie zumindest schon einmal jeden Sportwagenfan ansprechen. Die stromlinienförmige Karosserie ist aus einem Guss und zeigt durch die markante Maserati-typische Frontpartie in Raubfischoptik und dem knackigen Heck dennoch eine ordentliche Portion Aggressivität.
Hybrid-Antrieb mit 975 PS
Das Konzept für den spektakulären Design-Entwurf basiert auf der klassischen Formsprache Maseratis, zeigt aber zugleich, wie sich die italienische Edelmarke in Sachen Gewichtsoptimierung und ökologisch korrektem Sportwagen in Zukunft entwickeln könnte.
Angetrieben wird die Studie von einem 975 PS starken Hybridsystem, das sich auf insgesamt fünf Motoren verteilt. Ein 325 PS starker mittig installierter Verbrennungsmotor sorgt zusammen mit zwei 140 PS starken Elektro-Motoren an der Frontachse sowie zwei E-Aggregaten mit jeweils 185 PS an der Hinterachse für die enorme Gesamtsystemleistung. Überträgt man die PS-Zahl auf das angepeilte Leergewicht von lediglich 975 Kilogramm, ergibt sich ein fast utopisches Leistungsgewicht von 1:1.
Die Kraftübertragung wird individuell über alle vier Räder abgegeben, was sowohl dem Handling und der Performance, als auch der Sicherheit zugutekommen soll. Die rein elektrische Reichweite könnte theoretisch bei 320 Kilometern liegen – für heutige Hybrid-Hypercars ein Ding der Unmöglichkeit.
Zu Ehren Ernesto Maseratis
Den Namen verdankt die Studie keinem Geringeren als dem 1975 verstorbenen Maserati-Gründer, Rennfahrer und Unternehmer Ernesto Maserati, sowie dem legendären Maserati-Rennwagen Tipo 61. An der Zahl des Todesjahres orientieren sich auch die Leistung und das Gewicht des Hybrid-Hypercars. Anlässlich des 50. Todestages des Italieners in zehn Jahren soll der Maserati Tipo 975 Ernesto nach den Vorstellungen Maschmeyers dementsprechend 2025 Realität werden.
Noch ist der Maserati Tipo 975 Ernesto lediglich ein Entwurf auf dem Papier und am Rechner. Bleibt zu hoffen, dass die Italiener auf die Studie Maschmeyers aufmerksam werden. Ein Maserati Tipo 975 Ernesto würde dem Jahr 2025 sicherlich gut stehen.
CARBUZZ - Maserati Needs To Build This Intoxicating Concept Right Now
written byJoel Patel - July 18, 2015
Before Maserati came out with the Ghibli, the Italian automaker focused on creating breathtaking vehicles with powerful Ferrari engines underneath the hood. To commemorate Maserati’s rich heritage and as a nod towards green hypercars, transportation design student Maurice Maschmeyer designed this gorgeous concept, called the Maserati Tipo 975 Ernesto. His concept is named after one of Maserati’s founding brothers, Ernesto Maserati, who passed away in 1975.
This radical hybrid hypercar is fitted with five engines for a combined output of 975 hp and boasts a power to weight ratio of 1:1. The main motor is an inline-six that generates 325 hp and powers the dual front electric motors, which produce 140 hp each. The inline-six also charges independent dual rear hub motors that put down 185 hp to each rear wheel. As with every hybrid, the 975 Ernesto Concept has an ionized batter pack, which is hidden behind the driver’s seat for ideal weight distribution.
We've seen the revolutionary body style before, which isn’t just for looks. The body has been designed to create an extreme amount of downforce and is modeled after a fighter jet. To provide a provocative engine note, the 975 Ernesto Concept has top-mounted exhaust pipes that give it a more fluid appearance. This has to be one of the best concepts we’ve ever seen, but what are the chances of Maserati actually putting something that looks this good and is this powerful on the road?
written byJoel Patel - July 18, 2015
Before Maserati came out with the Ghibli, the Italian automaker focused on creating breathtaking vehicles with powerful Ferrari engines underneath the hood. To commemorate Maserati’s rich heritage and as a nod towards green hypercars, transportation design student Maurice Maschmeyer designed this gorgeous concept, called the Maserati Tipo 975 Ernesto. His concept is named after one of Maserati’s founding brothers, Ernesto Maserati, who passed away in 1975.
This radical hybrid hypercar is fitted with five engines for a combined output of 975 hp and boasts a power to weight ratio of 1:1. The main motor is an inline-six that generates 325 hp and powers the dual front electric motors, which produce 140 hp each. The inline-six also charges independent dual rear hub motors that put down 185 hp to each rear wheel. As with every hybrid, the 975 Ernesto Concept has an ionized batter pack, which is hidden behind the driver’s seat for ideal weight distribution.
We've seen the revolutionary body style before, which isn’t just for looks. The body has been designed to create an extreme amount of downforce and is modeled after a fighter jet. To provide a provocative engine note, the 975 Ernesto Concept has top-mounted exhaust pipes that give it a more fluid appearance. This has to be one of the best concepts we’ve ever seen, but what are the chances of Maserati actually putting something that looks this good and is this powerful on the road?
BOLD RIDE - This Hybrid Hypercar Concept Could Be Exactly What Maserati Needs
written by Jeff Perez - July 20, 2015
Maserati is the new Ferrari. At least that’s what FCA CEO Sergio Marchionne has to say about it. While the verdict is very much still out on that statement, the idea of a high-end, Ferrari-rivaling Maserati is something that should excite the enthusiast in you.
But in order to sell something that FCA claims will best Ferrari, it would need to be dramatic. It would need to be beautiful. Most importantly, though, it would need to be fast. Enter design student Maurice Maschmeyer from Pasadena, California, and his stunning Tipo 975 Ernesto concept.
It’s a concept car that begs less of a question of ‘why?’ and more of a question of ‘when?’
Starting from the exterior: the design is dramatic in every sense of the word. A long, sloping hood, a low center of gravity, and some rear angles that would make any supermodel jealous. But the real piece de resistance is the lack of a windshield (for now), which really accentuates the impractical, futuristic styling.
“Designed to keep Maserati’s heritage and incorporate its nautical influences, the 975 has a forward prone proportion enhanced by a ‘shark’s ribcage’ that extends rearwards from the middle of the vehicle,” stated Maurice. “Its strong, low jaw with sharp teeth and high rear hips emphasize that it is always on its feet and ready to pounce forward.”
It definitely sounds exciting—but it’s not all about looks.
Maurice visualizes a 975-horsepower hybrid powertrain to fit nicely under the hood. It would have one engine and four batteries, the most important of which being a front-mid inline-6 engine with 325 horsepower. That inline-6 would power the dual front electric motors and the independent dual rear hub motors. Of which, all would be attached directly to the wheels.
Along with the hybrid drivetrain, you would get adaptive all-wheel drive, and an estimated range of 200 miles in pure electric mode. Though, this thing was really made to unleash on the track.
While it all sounds like something we’d love see on the road today, Maurice doesn’t visualize it ready for road use until 2025. Of course, celebrating Maserati’s 50th anniversary this year, it’s named after one of the founding brothers of the brand, Ernesto Maserati.
written by Jeff Perez - July 20, 2015
Maserati is the new Ferrari. At least that’s what FCA CEO Sergio Marchionne has to say about it. While the verdict is very much still out on that statement, the idea of a high-end, Ferrari-rivaling Maserati is something that should excite the enthusiast in you.
But in order to sell something that FCA claims will best Ferrari, it would need to be dramatic. It would need to be beautiful. Most importantly, though, it would need to be fast. Enter design student Maurice Maschmeyer from Pasadena, California, and his stunning Tipo 975 Ernesto concept.
It’s a concept car that begs less of a question of ‘why?’ and more of a question of ‘when?’
Starting from the exterior: the design is dramatic in every sense of the word. A long, sloping hood, a low center of gravity, and some rear angles that would make any supermodel jealous. But the real piece de resistance is the lack of a windshield (for now), which really accentuates the impractical, futuristic styling.
“Designed to keep Maserati’s heritage and incorporate its nautical influences, the 975 has a forward prone proportion enhanced by a ‘shark’s ribcage’ that extends rearwards from the middle of the vehicle,” stated Maurice. “Its strong, low jaw with sharp teeth and high rear hips emphasize that it is always on its feet and ready to pounce forward.”
It definitely sounds exciting—but it’s not all about looks.
Maurice visualizes a 975-horsepower hybrid powertrain to fit nicely under the hood. It would have one engine and four batteries, the most important of which being a front-mid inline-6 engine with 325 horsepower. That inline-6 would power the dual front electric motors and the independent dual rear hub motors. Of which, all would be attached directly to the wheels.
Along with the hybrid drivetrain, you would get adaptive all-wheel drive, and an estimated range of 200 miles in pure electric mode. Though, this thing was really made to unleash on the track.
While it all sounds like something we’d love see on the road today, Maurice doesn’t visualize it ready for road use until 2025. Of course, celebrating Maserati’s 50th anniversary this year, it’s named after one of the founding brothers of the brand, Ernesto Maserati.
CAR REVS DAILY - Design Talent Showcase – 2019 Maserati 975 Ernesto Concept by Maurice Maschmeyer
written by Tom Burkart June 26, 2015
Pasadena College of Art and Design is just the finishing touch on a thorough artist’s education for this month’s student designer, Maurice Maschmeyer
Maschmeyer is a native German speaker fluent in English and French as well. An recent Italian immersion will make him a quadruple threat linguistically.
In terms of automotive and industrial design vision, Maschmeyer has an interesting eye for beauty and a sweeping, holistic aesthetic that previews next-gen hypercar styles.
Graduating in 2017, Maschmeyer will leave California to take his aesthetic and automotive design skills into a major OEM, and onto a street near you a year or so after that.
A particularly exciting prototype from Maschmeyer is his 975 Ernesto vision.
Think of this five-motor hybrid hypercar as one notch above the previous Enzo-based MC12. The space occupied by the Ernesto splits the difference between a million-dollar hypercar and a $5M concept like the Pininfarina Birdcage.
Despite aiming for 975 units to match the 975-kg and 975-hp specs, the Ernesto’s revolutionary one-way glass and other tech innovations seem a better fit for perhaps nine models in total.
The Ernesto is quite a striking vision into the future. An almost surreal purity in form language for the upper bodywork sees the bodywork swing up and around the cockpit without the typical black windshield glasshouse. This may be feasible with nano-particle fibers, or a future 3D-printed graphene composite. The full view from inside is uninterupted by any A or B-pillars, which makes the ultra-reclined drive position more natural inside the 975.
A simple nose sweep breaks the design into unique upper and lower elements, broken apart by the nautical-inspired beltline seam that has long defined Italian exotica. Below the shark-like hood crease, black detailing and aero vanes sweep around each corner. The classic Maserati Trident badge does not hovers in the middle of space as on classic Maserati racecars. Instead, it lives as a sunken brightwork element in the main painted hood. The spikes of the weapon emblem point skyward as they race up the hood and roof. Punched negatively into the shape of the car, this defining centerline continues over the cockpit and into a stack of vertical red LED brakelights atop the engine cover.
Similar to the jet canopy’s one-way transparency, the Ernesto body panels allow LED lighting up front to be partially hidden behind the sweep of the nose and front wings. This pinch of fender flare rises high above the front and rear wheels, melting downward and wrapping each giant tire tightly.
The arced spin of the rear floorplan and free-standing lower rear fenders are an aerodynamic delight that lightens the visual appeal of the car as well as delivers huge downforce benefits at 200-mph-plus. This dramatic rising floorplan starts just behind the front fenders; which form a wave shape behind the front axle.
Mechanically, a supercharged straight-six provides primary motivation, but is supplemented by in-wheel motors all around. 4-way adaptive torque vectoring thus makes the Ernesto able to slingshot out of corners on a surge of electricity.
The design of the Ernesto is a breath of fresh air versus the current hypercar crop. So while LaFerrari and the McLaren P1 might not seem overdesigned and garish to 2015 eyes… the recent past shows us how rapidly hypercar design sensibilities are evolving.
In this return to smoothness and flow, a 2019 reboot of hypercar basics may result in a machine as stunning and fresh a design as the 975 Ernesto.
We wish Maurice Maschmeyer the best in his studies, and look forward to seeing more of his style on the next generation of world-beating supercars!
written by Tom Burkart June 26, 2015
Pasadena College of Art and Design is just the finishing touch on a thorough artist’s education for this month’s student designer, Maurice Maschmeyer
Maschmeyer is a native German speaker fluent in English and French as well. An recent Italian immersion will make him a quadruple threat linguistically.
In terms of automotive and industrial design vision, Maschmeyer has an interesting eye for beauty and a sweeping, holistic aesthetic that previews next-gen hypercar styles.
Graduating in 2017, Maschmeyer will leave California to take his aesthetic and automotive design skills into a major OEM, and onto a street near you a year or so after that.
A particularly exciting prototype from Maschmeyer is his 975 Ernesto vision.
Think of this five-motor hybrid hypercar as one notch above the previous Enzo-based MC12. The space occupied by the Ernesto splits the difference between a million-dollar hypercar and a $5M concept like the Pininfarina Birdcage.
Despite aiming for 975 units to match the 975-kg and 975-hp specs, the Ernesto’s revolutionary one-way glass and other tech innovations seem a better fit for perhaps nine models in total.
The Ernesto is quite a striking vision into the future. An almost surreal purity in form language for the upper bodywork sees the bodywork swing up and around the cockpit without the typical black windshield glasshouse. This may be feasible with nano-particle fibers, or a future 3D-printed graphene composite. The full view from inside is uninterupted by any A or B-pillars, which makes the ultra-reclined drive position more natural inside the 975.
A simple nose sweep breaks the design into unique upper and lower elements, broken apart by the nautical-inspired beltline seam that has long defined Italian exotica. Below the shark-like hood crease, black detailing and aero vanes sweep around each corner. The classic Maserati Trident badge does not hovers in the middle of space as on classic Maserati racecars. Instead, it lives as a sunken brightwork element in the main painted hood. The spikes of the weapon emblem point skyward as they race up the hood and roof. Punched negatively into the shape of the car, this defining centerline continues over the cockpit and into a stack of vertical red LED brakelights atop the engine cover.
Similar to the jet canopy’s one-way transparency, the Ernesto body panels allow LED lighting up front to be partially hidden behind the sweep of the nose and front wings. This pinch of fender flare rises high above the front and rear wheels, melting downward and wrapping each giant tire tightly.
The arced spin of the rear floorplan and free-standing lower rear fenders are an aerodynamic delight that lightens the visual appeal of the car as well as delivers huge downforce benefits at 200-mph-plus. This dramatic rising floorplan starts just behind the front fenders; which form a wave shape behind the front axle.
Mechanically, a supercharged straight-six provides primary motivation, but is supplemented by in-wheel motors all around. 4-way adaptive torque vectoring thus makes the Ernesto able to slingshot out of corners on a surge of electricity.
The design of the Ernesto is a breath of fresh air versus the current hypercar crop. So while LaFerrari and the McLaren P1 might not seem overdesigned and garish to 2015 eyes… the recent past shows us how rapidly hypercar design sensibilities are evolving.
In this return to smoothness and flow, a 2019 reboot of hypercar basics may result in a machine as stunning and fresh a design as the 975 Ernesto.
We wish Maurice Maschmeyer the best in his studies, and look forward to seeing more of his style on the next generation of world-beating supercars!
FUTURE CARS WEB - Maserati Tipo 975 Ernesto is something beyond this world
written by annonymous - July 18, 2015
How many times have you seen the car concepts that can make you think like “this thing is something out of this world”? Perhaps, only a few times. I’m sure you won’t hesitate saying the same for this Maserati Tipo 975 Ernesto concept. It looks astronomic, as much impractical as concepts usually are, and is as mind-boggling on the mechanical front as we want future sports cars to be. The Maserati Tipo 975 Ernesto is, however, not an official concept but an effort of a true-blue Maserati fan cum transportation designing student Maurice Maschmeyer.
In his vision, the Tipo 975 represents tomorrow’s hypercars and so is this gorgeous machine packs in an inline-6 and 4 electric motors at its core. The fuel-burner produces 325 bhp alone and propels the dual motors mounted at its front axle and produce 140 bhp each. The rest of the two motors, produces 185 bhp each, are assigned to power each rear wheel individually. In total, the concept has a total of 975bhp at its disposal and is claimed to have a perfect 1:1 power-to-weight ratio.
You can now understand how ridiculous this thing would be to drive if it sees the light of the day. Like any other hybrid vehicle, the Tipo 975 uses an ionized battery pack which has been placed beneath the driver’s seat for ideal weight distribution and low center of gravity.
Interestingly, the concept is named after one of Maserati’s founding brothers – Ernesto Maserati – who passed away in 1975.
While the design does appeal a creation for 15-20 years ahead itself, it’s said to be highly efficient on the aerodynamic level creating more than enough amount of downforce and score least in the drag coefficient test.
The bad part of the story is several such monstrous yet futuristic concepts gain attraction throughout the year but only for a short time. And finally they sit either as a showcase display or as an illustration of a designer’s prowess. The same is the case of Maserati Tipo 975 Ernesto.
written by annonymous - July 18, 2015
How many times have you seen the car concepts that can make you think like “this thing is something out of this world”? Perhaps, only a few times. I’m sure you won’t hesitate saying the same for this Maserati Tipo 975 Ernesto concept. It looks astronomic, as much impractical as concepts usually are, and is as mind-boggling on the mechanical front as we want future sports cars to be. The Maserati Tipo 975 Ernesto is, however, not an official concept but an effort of a true-blue Maserati fan cum transportation designing student Maurice Maschmeyer.
In his vision, the Tipo 975 represents tomorrow’s hypercars and so is this gorgeous machine packs in an inline-6 and 4 electric motors at its core. The fuel-burner produces 325 bhp alone and propels the dual motors mounted at its front axle and produce 140 bhp each. The rest of the two motors, produces 185 bhp each, are assigned to power each rear wheel individually. In total, the concept has a total of 975bhp at its disposal and is claimed to have a perfect 1:1 power-to-weight ratio.
You can now understand how ridiculous this thing would be to drive if it sees the light of the day. Like any other hybrid vehicle, the Tipo 975 uses an ionized battery pack which has been placed beneath the driver’s seat for ideal weight distribution and low center of gravity.
Interestingly, the concept is named after one of Maserati’s founding brothers – Ernesto Maserati – who passed away in 1975.
While the design does appeal a creation for 15-20 years ahead itself, it’s said to be highly efficient on the aerodynamic level creating more than enough amount of downforce and score least in the drag coefficient test.
The bad part of the story is several such monstrous yet futuristic concepts gain attraction throughout the year but only for a short time. And finally they sit either as a showcase display or as an illustration of a designer’s prowess. The same is the case of Maserati Tipo 975 Ernesto.
WHEELERS - Is this heaven's greatest gift to humanity?!
written by wheelers team - July 20, 2015
FIVE ENGINES WITH A COMBINED OUTPUT OF 975HP… This could actually be heavens gift to humanity.
The Maserati Tipo 975 Ernesto is the greatest thing we’ve seen all day, with its extremely edgy and sharp body design, it is EVERYTHING!
But wait, it gets even better; This revolutionary finish to the body isn’t just something to feast your eyes on, it’s been conceived and inspired by a fighter jet to create a huge amount of downforce and deliver the best performance.
This is literally the best concept masterpiece of all.
You’re probably asking yourself: So why isn’t it on the roads already?
Let us rephrase that for you: Can humanity handle a wild sexy beast like this one on the roads?
written by wheelers team - July 20, 2015
FIVE ENGINES WITH A COMBINED OUTPUT OF 975HP… This could actually be heavens gift to humanity.
The Maserati Tipo 975 Ernesto is the greatest thing we’ve seen all day, with its extremely edgy and sharp body design, it is EVERYTHING!
But wait, it gets even better; This revolutionary finish to the body isn’t just something to feast your eyes on, it’s been conceived and inspired by a fighter jet to create a huge amount of downforce and deliver the best performance.
This is literally the best concept masterpiece of all.
You’re probably asking yourself: So why isn’t it on the roads already?
Let us rephrase that for you: Can humanity handle a wild sexy beast like this one on the roads?